By their name alone, Organised Scum don’t sound like the kind of band you want to invite round to your house for tea. But the London trio are far from uncultured and without heart, as displayed in their new single ‘Unborn Cars’. The track takes its inspiration from two sources: a Werner Herzog documentary about the internet and the niece of frontman Tom Duggins. "She was starting to talk properly and the phrase 'we can understand what you're saying' was going through my head. I realised how incredible even the simplest acts of communication are, and how we take this stuff for granted, especially nowadays when we're in constant contact with everyone and everything.” – says Duggins on the latter influence. The track itself is a quirky, 80s-inspired number thick with grungy guitars and drawling vocals. In classic Britpop style the track is being self-released tomorrow – keep an eye out for ‘Unborn Cars’. -HM
